主な教育・研究実績 | - 論文(共著)Tan, Yifei & Yang, Wenhe & Yoshida, Kohtaroh & Takakuwa, Soemon. (2019). “Application of IoT-Aided Simulation to Manufacturing Systems in Cyber-Physical System,” Machines, Vol.7, No.2. DOI: 10.3390/machines7010002.
- 論文「IoT時代のモノづくりにおけるシミュレーションの利活⽤について」『日本情報経営学会誌』38巻2号、pp.95-101(2018)
- 論文(共著)Yang, Wenhe & Tan, Yifei & Yoshida, Kohtaroh & Takakuwa, Soemon. (2017). “Digital Twin-driven Simulation for a Cyber-Physical System in Industry 4.0,” DAAAM International Scientific Book 2017, Chapter 18, pp.227-234. DOI: 10.2507/daaam.scibook.2017.18.
- 翻訳(共著)Smith, J.S., Sturrock, D.T., Kelton, W.D.(2017) Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications: 4th Edition, Createspace./高桑宗右ヱ門 監修、野村淳一・三輪冠奈・譚奕飛・岳理恵 訳『Simioとシミュレーション : モデリング・解析・応用(第4版)』Createspace.
- 論文(共著)Tan, Yifei & Takakuwa, Soemon. (2016). “A practical simulation approach for an effective truck dispatching system of open pit mines using VBA,”In Proceedings of2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), pp.2394-2405. DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2016.7822279