
Message from the President

Message from the President OHMURA Yoshiaki
Founded in 1956 as the Chuo Gakuin College of Commerce, our approach to education is based on the "cultivation of fairness in society and an ethical sense," aiming to realize the ideals of Dr. TAKAKUSU Junjiro:
Lead your life with sincerity and integrity
Treat others with a warm heart
Remember service and gratitude
Maintain a modest mien
Reflect on your life and work to improve yourself
Since its founding, Chuo Gakuin University has added the Faculties of Law and Modern Liberal Arts, in addition to its Faculty of Commerce.
CGU is now a university of some 3,000 students, and under its more recent motto of "STAND BY YOU" all faculty and staff members strive to support each student in developing his or her abilities and potential through our personalized academic advisor system, something only possible at an institution of this size.
Our educational mission is to ensure that as students face various challenges, they are able to meet new challenges through the knowledge they have acquired and their understanding of contemporary society.
Campus life also provides students with many opportunities to play active roles as student staff members in hosting a variety of university-wide events, such as Orientation for Freshmen, Open Campus, and the school Christmas Party. Along with their classroom work, these activities allow them to form close relationships with other students as well as university staff, making their four years as CGU students both enjoyable and meaningful ones.
Profile of the President
*Born in Tokyo, 1963. Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law (Judicial Course).
*Doctoral degree from the University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics.
*In 1997, he became a full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Chuo Gakuin University. He later became a professor, and from July 1, 2022, he has been the president of the university.
*His specialty is international family law, and he currently teaches courses such as private international law.
*He is also the author of "Research on International Family and Nationality Law" and "Research on International Family Law" (both published by Seibundo).