
Founding Philosophy・Educational Ideals

Founding Philosophy

Cultivating social and moral integrity

Educational Ideals

Aiming to cultivate social and moral integrity
through intensive small-class instruction
and foster competent members of society with practical
skills and creative mind

Chuo Gakuin University’s goal is not simply the transmission of knowledge. We strive for comprehensive, people-centered character development, aiming to cultivate social and moral integrity and foster competent members of society with practical skills and creative minds through intensive small-class instruction. In these rapidly changing times, it is essential that society, and indeed CGU itself, transform themselves accordingly. Given these circumstances, we have created an educational program that has been developed to respond specifically to the needs of these highly diversified times, founded on our core educational philosophy with its universal themes. The fundamental basis for our education is to draw out our students’ individuality and potential.

Three Policies

Here are our Admission Policy (our policy for accepting new students), our Curriculum Policy (our policy for organizing and implementing our Curriculum), and our Diploma Policy (our policy for granting degrees).